Monday 17 December 2012

Spotlight: P.A.L.S (People Alone Lending Support)

Our Wangaratta PALS group was founded by Rev. Pam Riessen as part of her Ministry about 15 years ago.  PALS is a great title for our group for two main reasons - yes, it's about friendship (we certainly are pals!) and it offers a great opportunity for friendship with other people, but it's an acronym and one which quite a few are not familiar with.  It stands for People Alone Lending Support - yes, that is the primary goal of our PALS group, to lend support to one another, in particular to those of us who live alone.

However, we are a very inclusive group and you are certainly not precluded from joining if you don't live alone.  Over the years we have welcomed quite a few couples into our midst and if you and your wife or husband wish to join us to support others who might live alone, then we would welcome you with open arms and hearts.

This is my big opportunity to dispel another one of the myths surrounding eligibility for PALS and that is the age requirement.  Let me tell you, there isn't one and you don't have to be "very, very old" or any particular age to come and join us. One of the joys of PALS is that we are a very diverse and inclusive group of people who come together from an incredibly wide range of backgrounds, ages, life experiences and religious denominations.

Consequently there is a never-ending resource of stories behind the lives of all of us who meet together monthly, on the 1st Wednesday of each month starting at 2pm (in the Rowan Street Church Meeting Room) with the common goal of providing friendship, fellowship and support to one another.

We do have themed meetings so you might be treated to an afternoon of games, a guest speaker, quizzes, stories of wartime experiences, a football day, sharing of favourite poetry, community singing - and the list goes on.  Although members are encouraged to contribute on such days, you are welcome to talk or not talk.  We want you to feel comfortable and relaxed and we do have a lot of fun!

PALS wouldn't happen without a trusty band of amazing volunteers who do anything from serving tea and coffee to washing up and cleaning up as well as supporting me generally.  We do ask for a gold coin donation at each meeting to cover the cost of afternoon tea.

If you would like more information or to come along to a PALS meeting, please contact Renate at the Church Office on 57216555, or myself (Rosemary) on 57218951.  Transport is available if necessary.

- Rosemary Steele (Aged Care Minister)

PALS enjoying our recent 2012 Christmas breakup

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